I started this quilt for my niece last summer before she headed off to North Dakota State University. It was as hard for her to leave as it was for all of us to let her go. But you know how it is when these special people in our lives start growing up. We need to take our hands off and give them wings. I thought about what to give her that would remind her of how much she would be missed and was loved. One of my favorite past-times is wrapping up in a snuggly blanket. So I thought what better gift than to make her a quilt that she can wrap around herself and feel the love that it was made with. My goal was to have it done by the time she came home for Christmas. Well, you can see that didn't happen. My next goal was for spring break which was last week. Sad to say, she left empty handed. So I have committed this week-end to quilting. She needs to be able to wrap up in it at least once before spring. I don't know. . . I'm trying. And I'm close. If I can keep myself from getting distracted the rest of the day from the other things I love doing, I should be close to finishing it soon.
Today's Spring! Did you finish? :)
OK chocolate girl, as pretty as it is I am tired of looking at this quilt every time I visit your blog. Time to tell us more.
Did you finish the quilt? Write more stuff here!
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